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Nel Verhoeven | Invoerversie voor vertaling
Supporting material
Research tool
Introduction to SPSS
Teacher material
Research tool
> Row logic
How does it work?
Phase 1: design
1 Objectives of the design phase
2 Logbook
3 Negotiating the project with the client
4 Problem analysis
5 Building a model
6 Search strategies
7 Presenting your research proposal
8 Research proposal template
9 Check yourself
10 Submit your design and logbook
Phase 2: data collection
1 Objectives of the data collection phase
2 Choosing a data collection method
3 Quantitative data collection methods
4 Qualitative methods of data collection
5 Choosing a data collection method
6 Operationalization
7 Population and sample
8 How do you design a survey?
9 Conducting interviews
10 Quality of research
11 Method selection template
12 Submit your method selection and logbook
Phase 3: analysis
1 Objectives of the analysis phase
2 Quantitative analysis
3 Qualitative analysis
4 Submit your analysis
5 Logbook progress Phase 3
Phase 4: evaluation
1 Objectives of the evaluation phase
2 Checklist for conclusions
3 Checklist for discussion
4 Checking research quality
5 Checklist for appendices
6 Reference list tool
7 Milestones for the research report
8 Executive report
9 Research report template
10 Checklist for research report
11 Submit the whole research report
12 Submit your whole logbook
How far am I?
Statistics is fun
Statistics knowledge base
Free: online surveys
Processing qualitative research findings: KODANI
Better life index
Row logic
All templates and forms
Tools to process your research findings
Tool for creating a reference list
All templates and forms
Better life index